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We’re excited to kick off our annual fundraising campaign, "Commitment to Wellbeing"! Over the years, we’ve supported single mothers with "self-care" and "connections." This year, we’ve moved beyond self-care to start a new chapter: "Commitment to Wellbeing."

With the support of the Nike Community Impact Fund, we’ve launched the Sisterhood Running Club, helping participants build a habit of more active and challenging exercise, alongside our regular Self-Care Classes for Single Mothers.

This Giving December, we’re sharing essays inspired by the theme of "running" and inviting you to donate and support these efforts.

As we approach the end of the year, we hope this campaign inspires you to reflect on and take steps toward your own happiness and health.

Maco Yoshioka
Founder, CEO  Single Mothers' Sisterhood

Since 2021, Single Mothers Sisterhood has hosted a Giving Campaign for Single Mothers every year. A team of volunteer single mothers comes together to create and publish five essays, calling for donations to support our initiative.


The highlight of the campaign is the essays written by single mothers. Both the authors and the editors are single moms. We value the sisterhood and connections formed while creating an essay as a piece of art. Through exchanges of suggestions and encouragement among the group, their essays have been refined, fostering a powerful solidarity—our sisterhood.

This year's essay theme is "What We Talk About When We Talk About Running" Each individual reflects on their own body and mind, sharing the insights and emotions they’ve discovered through running.

Reading these essays, you will feel the unique value of each individual, reminding us that even within the label "single parent," each person's experience is different. There is not one single story.


We hope you will connect with these authentic voices through the essays.

5 Essays will be published in December. 

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